Monday, August 9, 2010

Outcry over erosion of rule of law in Maldives

Thursday 29 July 2010 by Jonathan Rayner
A former Maldives attorney general has called on the Law Society to lead a mission to the country to assess the erosion of the rule of law, as judges are assaulted, courts suspended, and citizens’ rights ‘crushed under foot’, he claimed. Dr Hassan Saeed told the Society last week that elected president Mohamed Nasheed, a former political prisoner once dubbed the Maldives’ ‘Nelson Mandela’, was dismantling the 2008 constitution and had set up his own ‘public courts’ to replace independent courts.
Saeed said citizens’ rights were being ‘crushed under foot’ and called on the Law Society to lead an independent assessment of the situation. Society president Linda Lee urged the Maldives authorities to ‘uphold and protect key constitutional principles’.
A spokesman for the Maldives’ London High Commission denied the allegations and said the 2008 constitution protected citizens’ rights.

Outcry over erosion of rule of law in Maldives

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